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centurion action x

Centurion Action X - The Centurion Action X is an experimental variant of the Centurion main tank designed in the early 1950s to feature a newly designed "mantleless" turret. Fortifying the top tier of the British Ground Force tree, Centurion Action X is coming as part of the upcoming 1.93 update, heading to War Thunder!

Summary: A modified variant of the Centurion tank fitted with an experimental "mantleless" turret that provides improved protection.

Centurion Action X

Centurion Action X

Development of the Centurion Action X began in the early 1950s. The goal of the project was to improve the Centurion's ballistic defense by equipping the vehicle with a recently developed "mantleless" turret design. The turret was mounted on the Centurion Mk.7 hull and had thick, sloping surfaces that further increased its effectiveness.

Centurion Action X Hd

Additionally, the vehicle was tested with the QF 20-pdr and 105 mm L7 cannon. In the end, however, only a few prototypes were built and tested, apart from a few turrets used separately for ballistic tests. The Centurion Action X never made it past the testing stage and was therefore never ordered into production. However, the experience gained during its development, namely the use of a mantleless turret, was later incorporated into subsequent tank designs such as the FV4202 and the famous Chieftain main battle tank.

In War Thunder, the Centurion Action X will be a new premium vehicle coming to Tier IV of the British Ground Force tree soon with the release of update 1.93. Unlike its premium tree neighbors, the Strv 81 and the Centurion AVRE, the Centurion Action X offers another set of unique qualities that set it apart from its peers.

The main feature that makes the Action X one of the unique types of Centurion tanks is of course its turret - quite unique for its time. The Action X turret is a "mantleless" turret that some tanks in War Thunder may recognize from the FV4202 and Chieftain tanks.

Like those vehicles, the Action X turret has a very thick and sloping surface, giving it very decent ballistic protection. In fact, without the tilting effect, the toughest parts of the Action X tower are 240mm thick. Defending such powerful weapons would prove a tough nut to crack for most adversaries, and would give even early Cold War powerful weapons a good run for their money.

Centurion Action X: Tier X Fv 4202 Replacement

Fun fact: Although ultimately unsuccessful, the experience gained in developing the Centurion Action X was later used in the development of the FV4202 and Chieftain tanks.

However, still being a Centurion tank at its core, aspiring commanders of this vehicle should bear in mind the weaknesses usually associated with the Centurion - mediocre mobility and relatively weak hull protection. Additionally, the fact that the QF was armed with a 20-pdr (84 mm) cannon meant that commanders would have a limited range of ammunition available. Thus, good marksmanship skills are essential to defeat an opponent, especially a heavily armored one, as every shot must count. Fortunately for less experienced tankers, the excellent rate of fire of the 20-pdr cannon can compensate for the occasional undershot, as it allows rapid adjustments of fire.

As a result, tankers are best served by using the Action X as a rear guard unit, which increases its efficiency by cleverly placing the vehicle in a "hull down" position. Commanders thus reduce the risk of hitting less protected elements of the corps and present the turret as the most effective part of their arsenal, thus maximizing protection.

Centurion Action X

Centurion Action X will be available for purchase for all Golden Eagles players after the release of the next major update, and will not only accelerate their progress towards higher ranks, but also allow them to own a very unique piece. History of British Tank Development.

Status Report: Centurion Action X, Fv4202 Replacement

That's it for today's warriors! However, be sure to stay tuned as we continue to reveal more information about what the upcoming 1.93 update has in store for you. Until then, happy hunting!

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